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Awesome Afternoon

Had some old black work shoes that i decided were in need of a final killing off in the mud and boy they shore did. 

I walked up through wet muddy fields and down to my mud spot where i was greeted by some deep thick clay mud. Stomping around in them my feet started getting wet and sliding around in them as they filled with mud and water. I took another step with them and they were lodged in the mud both shoes. I had back up gear with me a pair of green border wellies and yellow hunter wellies. I got into the green border wellies first and got the shoes out the mud but they fell apart so i buried the fuckers in some deep mud and at the same time was up to my knees in mud and water and filled the wellies which was a well horny feeling. I then decided to get some hot piss flowing into my boots. After a while mudding me feet got slippery so i decided to get me hunters very dirty inside and out. Never used them for mudding before so pissed inside them first and then took me muddy boots off in the mud and put on me clean pissy hunters. Had alot of fun and let off some steam to round off a good solo session in the mud. Pictures to follow 


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