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A day on the farm in SW England?

Thanks in advance to the people who are going to attend a muddy meet I intend to organise (April or May, whatever is within the law in terms of coronavirus restrictions) on one of the local farms (SW England: M5J25). I have a load of gear to give away to a good home (someone who will use it and share photos for everyone to enjoy), farmer has given permission for a Saturday morning, when we will have the farm yard to ourselves

Approximately there are 6 army fatigue jackets or similar
15 olive army boiler suits
A few blue or black boiler suits

edit: See later posts: there is a lot more than the above states, closer to the truth there are 70 boilersuits, 20 jeans/jackets, and about 3/4 of it is looking for a good home

I shall want to take lots of photos and videos of people frolicking in the mud / cow manure / pig manure, so be sure to bring a balaclava or whatever. There is no shortage of photos I have taken using the timer, but more videos and poses that cannot be done using the timer are needed.

I would like a show of interest, pity one cannot be sure on an exact date (or shall we state a date and accept the possibility we may have to move it?)

I was delighted to find, last night, a photo of mine on Tumblr, wearing a dirty boiler suit with my dick sticking out. I certainly didn't put that on tumblr, but would have done in a place when dick pics are allowed. Great to see more convincing evidence that my stuff is being enjoyed, it had over 500 "notes" (likes or reblogs, whatever), thanks, if any of those responsible are here!


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