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Event Report, Somerset meet Aug 18, 2012

About 6 of us camped for 2 nights at Hollybush site, on the Blackdown Hills 5 miles south of Taunton.   All agreed it was a really good site, both the campsite and the mud sites,  the only downer was a pop concert that disturbed some of the group at night and possibly caused the cows in the neighboring field to make more noise than usual.


The main mudding event, which all 7 of us attended was Saturday morning.  The mud was too deep and sticky for some, who lay around for a while but then became stuck and needed a fair bit of help to get out, those who went straight in at the softest point had a better time, and it was great to see people really enjoying themselves.   Thanks for the positive comments I have recd from the participants!


With hindsight, I should have taken the Saturday morning group to the site that just 2 of us visited on Saturday afternoon.  This was a very secluded site where it is very unusual to meet other people, and the mud was less deep and standing water nearly 2 foot deep a few feet away plus an excellent stream a minutes walk.


I was well impressed with the sexual performance of some of the group, to be on heat despite having shot twice during the past 2 hours is well beyond my compass, I was out of action anyway having damaged one of my notoriously tight calf muscles, but I take my hat off to you guys, well done!


All being well there will be good pictures and videos to share, I have filled up somebody's 16Gb memory stick with my own stuff, so there shouldnt be a shortage!


How about the 3rd weekend in October for another meet?




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