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Muddy litter pick

Hi guys,

I enjoyed a very wet and muddy time on the River Taf estuary at Laugharne, Carmarthenshire, last Friday afternoon, doing my own litter pick. It got me thinking that it's not only a great way to help clean up the local areas, but gives us mudders a good reason to get muddy without looking too out of place by any public at large.I filled two black bags with all sorts of rubbish, which coupled with messing about in the wet sloppy mud, was extremely satisfying. I must admit that I struggled somewhat carrying two heavy bags back to the car, probably about 3/4 of a mile, over wet sticky and very slippery mud, but every minute was worth it.So, my reason for posting is to see whether anyone would be up for discussing the idea further? I only holiday in Carmarthenshire, but live in Herefordshire, so am fairly near to the Severn at Gloucester and I'm retired so have a reasonable amount of flexibility with time etc. Anyway, hope there's some response to the idea, negatives or positives, I don't mind which !!!! Meanwhile, happy mudding, but stay safe.Muddyfeet ( Pete)


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