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Skype sharing

I have been having many fantastic meeting with Mudboys on Skype - do any other mudboys wanna share some fun webcam to webcam on Skype cos not all of us are close enough to meet up ?????

I play mine through my 60" TV so my conferencing is larger than life yeah - action in my living room close up - no need to type as we all have microphones so our hands are free to wander.

We've been trying on different outfits, pissing, adding custard and other mess into our outfits and chatting about different mudding ideas while making lots of cream together yeah. 

It's fun, if any guys wanna meet or meet up first on Skype before joining one another out on any events, Skype is perfect. 

My Skype name is Martinm001 - add me as a friend / contact & we can chat most evenings / weekends / odd times.  Or do more !!!! 

If you want a discreet Skype connection add your Skype name here in the messages and we can chat & remember, if you get any hassle you can simply BLOCK a contact you've made that's annoying or that you no longer want and they can no longer contact you or see you.

This club is GREAT for active dudes and meetings, Skype provides a private and free way of having fun together with or without commitment to more - I love it - so do my viewers :)

Wet n messy wishes to all for a great mudding season - I am just awaiting my new outdoor waterproof high definition video camera and then I am out there yeah :)

Levispup - alias Martin - Skype = Martinm001




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