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Texas Mud Wrestling

There will be another mud-wrestling weekend at Circle J in Eustace, TX on the 11th - 13th of June. Circle J Ranch and Cattle Company is a gay-owned campground, they had this event last year, and it was great.

A good sized (about 18 feet round) "natural inground" mudpit with red clay. It has a little sand, but is still quite smooth. It is adjacent to a large pond, and by summer the water is warm.

There is some serious wrestling, but much other mudplay goes on from there. Last year tiki torches were put out on both nights, long evening/late night wallows were great.

Circle J is about 80 miles from Dallas, about a 90 minute drive. Well worth it, and a great group is there. Here's the link:

I will be there, and at least one or two I know of are going, there's always plenty of guys in the mud.


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