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Used gear for sale

Hello everyone,
To cut a long story short I have got myself into some financial difficulties, therefore I am considering selling the majority of my used gear.
This will include, boots, trainers, boilersuits/overalls, hiviz, trackies and much more.
This could be a great opportunity to grab some great used kit as well as help out a fellow mud lover.
Most of my gear is well worn, filthy and has been used by myself and other lads for work and play. Some of the gear featured in my photos will be available.
To protect my identity I will be making a new account on eBay making sure not to use any usernames that might give away any personal information about myself. Therefore my account will have a zero feedback rating but rest assured I am a frequent ebay user and have a 100% positive feedback score for buying and selling.
If I get enough interest my gear will be available on eBay in the next week or two, how many of you would be interested?


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