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Help me!

Post any requests for help on how to use mudboyuk.com, read the FAQ forum first!

How the hell do I find a farm? ;)

Hello friends, I am struggling to find a real farm or stables where I can get messy without being arrested!

South, Mid or West Wales

Anyone want to meet up for some music fun in South, Mid or West Wales????

Want to be invited to this group.

Does anyone on here belong to this group? If so would you please invite me? Muddy hugs. http://deepsinkingguyz.yooco.org/home.html

Feedback Please!

I would love to have more feedback about my photos (if you have enough time of course)

1 I would like to know whether I am on the right wavelength in the sense of giving people what they like looking at

a Am I doing the right thing cropping out the background to maximise the amount of detail of the subject

b Which photos are preferred: Slightly dirty, half dirties, completely covered in dirt etc

c Would types of dirt other than mud / cow manure be desirable

Irish mudders

I need to meet someone in Ireland into mud

New muddy location not appear on the map

Hello, I created a new muddy location on the site but it is not showing up on the map showed into the page muddy location. The registration of the new location completed successfully and without error. What might be happening? It is a place in the south of Brazil and may be of interest to many users.

GearFetish Lost Contacts


Did anyone know / chat to the user 'overalls32' from Sweden on Gearfetish..? Have lost many contacts since the website has gone but would be incredibly greatfull if anyone knows how to get back in contact, or knows if 'overalls32' is on another app / website ? Please help .Thanks

gay farmers

I have lost my connection to the gayfarmers website - can anyone give me the web address?






I need some pix done...anyone?

muddy location

does anyone now a muddy place in new brunswuick canada


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