Welcome to the mudboyuk.com community for muddy guys from around all over the world

Most of the members content is hidden from users who are not logged in.
Members have full access to the forums and to 1000's of images and videos,
there is no charge to join or use the members area. Members can also
access user profiles and send instant messages to other members.

If you are not already a member then creating an account is simple and
FREE. Below is a preview of some of the mudboyuk.com members content.
As a not logged in visitor you can preview just a few of 1000's of images, or read the forum
but not comments on those posts.


Frequently Asked Questions, post any questions you have below

How to upload video?

How I can share a video clip with other users?

When I want to play videos of other users I am redirected to YT and it denies to show it unless I confirm that I am an adult. YT requires confirmation with my ID or a credit card and I don't want to do it. Is it possible to get access in another way? This YT manner is very irritating because logging to YOUTUBE through Google account they know that I am an adult.

What is the solution?


Muddy litter pick

Hi guys,

Seasons Greetings

Hope all are well and happy muddying next year!

Who's been a member of this site the longest ?

Who's been a member of this site the longest ?

( Obviously Mudboy who created it )

It came up in conversation the other day - which regular user of this site has been on here the longest ?

My profile says 10 years 17weeks


Does anyone know how to access this site.


the recent comments/posts sidebar that's usually on the home page has disappeared?

Where did my comment go?

Comments posted on the site a rarely deleted due to them being inappropriate, You would get a private message from mudboy if that was the case, so if a comment you posted has not appeared on the site or has "disappeared" it's more likely that:

1) The comment is still pending moderation (usually done within 24 hours, and instant some users)

Older messages

Is there any way of accessing older messages than the ones currently displayed? Sometimes you need to look at that 1st exchange ;)


   Having raised the topic of timestamps with mudboy - site admin I realise it's some thing everyone needs to do themselves. It's the same as having to reset all your clocks twice a year.

   To correct the time go into 'My account', then 'edit' and scroll down to the time zone section where the alteration to GMT can be made. It has to be done manually, it's not like pvr's and radio-controlled clocks.

Uploading Images

There are three ways to add your images to mudboyuk.com:

1) Profile Photo (Avatar)
You can upload a single image that is used to represent you on the site. My Account -> Edit-> Upload Picture


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